Phew, that was scary at first I thought you were selling a real missile on craigslist. Now that I think about it I'm not sure what is worse, selling a missile or old meat. I know you get what you pay for but in this case I really hope it isn't true. I'm not in the mood for the bologna missile shits.

First of all I would like to inquire as to why you have a bunch of kids coats in your closet? As for me I used to have a bunch in my closet stored next to a bunch of skeletons and maybe Daniel Tosh. I need some kids coats for my home business and would like to buy the whole bushel (is that what a grouping of them is called?). Email me back!

I have always wanted a new haircut, right now my 'do is uninteresting. I always wanted to have a haircut that looks like I fight crime in space as you have shown. That is my dream as a human being to take my bounty hunter talents to the rest of the milky way and this is my ticket in. Please tell me what can you do with this...

Make me whole!

I am confused about this "Leather" couch, would this go over well with the "ladies"? What kind of "work" does this need? Do you think I could get it for a "favor". Please let me know, btw I sure do like "talking" like this.

Hi there! These toys will be perfect for me. I plan to "wash" them and "not store cocaine" in them to "not sell to children" along with "coats". So please let me know if I can have your old dirty toys, I would also like the dead Raccoon in that target bag.

Hello, I have been looking for a classy woman like you all my life. There are a lot of gold diggers and women that like to play games, I don't sense that with you. I feel like we may be soul mates and this list of Craig may be a higher power putting us together. I am just so happy to find someone to share my bologna missile of love with.