Keep in mind people I imported my older craigslist posts, they're a few pages back, go check them out!

7 Years * 365 days= 2,555 days playing
2555 days * 24 hours= 61,320 hours playing
Of course you didn't play that straight so lets assume you used a 16th of that time for playing so 61,320/16= 3832.5 hours playing
$100/3832.5 hours= .0261 cents/hr
Fuck. What a shitty job.
Also, could I get your password to check it out?
That narrows it down.
Getting your political opinions from craigslist is like asking a toddler for advice in your love life. I didn't even read any of these and I feel dumber.
Do I get John Belushi's ashes with it too? (awww yeah, I went there, I know I'm terrible.)
Thank you for describing what a 6 volt battery is for me, I wasn't too sure.
Rocks?! Omg great, I have been looking for some for the longest time, you don't know how hard it is for me to find Cra-*look at picture*

Aww, it's like a 19th century Civil war letter, just on craigslist, and not charming.
Nothing says "lasting marriage" like buying your wedding dress off of craigslist.
Tryout?! Are you kidding me? There is no way this is a hotly contested job, and if you're one of the people who tried out and didn't get this job: Turn off the computer, Go outside, Jump into traffic.
First of all I'm afraid the type of women you might find on craigslist will not be up to your..high..standards. Also, this douchy picture of you will put off the ones that read all the way down to the end. So you're out of luck, and yes, i'm seriouse.

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