Sunday, December 21, 2014

Matt's Favorite Game

Holy crap, folks. Can you imagine what is about to take place? I'm about to use this blog for WRITING. Wow. Not only that but we'll have written pieces all week! Truly these are the best times we live in. One of the running themes this week will be us letting you in on our personal tastes. Specifically, our favorite games. Tam, Andy, Skyler, and myself will have a short article on why we picked our games and what makes it so special. Now...let's get into this.

Ohhhh baby.

That's right. Super Mario Brothers 3 is my favorite game. Without this game I probably would not be here gushing over any game right now. This is what got me into the scene. Also, it's the only game (except maybe Wolfenstein 3D) I remember playing in my old house that I lived in until I was four. This is the granddaddy of them all for me. It came out two years before I was born so it was basically primed and ready for me to come out of the womb.

Fond memories.

I really never knew why my parents decided to go with the NES over the Genesis. I guess that's just how it shook out. This happened to be the only video game I can really remember my dad and I playing competitively. The story goes that he was out of work following sinus surgery and this is what he had during the day. So we played, and played, and played. So much so that my dad was actually pretty damn good. Maybe I should get him to play now, hell, I've got this on NES still.

No! Hit the P first!

Even today I find myself coming back to this game. I've had an idea in the back of my mind to play this on the podcast stream one day. Regardless of streaming it or not I do come back to this game every year. I also find myself seeing it in other games (Shovel Knight's over world most recently). It just goes to show how long this has endured. I know most people will argue that Super Mario World was the best of the first four. And while I can see what they mean I will continue to disagree with them. For me this will always be the best, my favorite game, Super Mario Brothers 3.

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